digital graffiti

This started from a photo my friend Max Rubenacker posted on Google+. It was a photo of a wall, with interesting smudges which just grabbed me and made me feel like graffitiing that wall. And Max let me do it! I enjoyed this process so much it should probably be illegal.

(I made three, but this is my favourite. Which is kind of interesting considering that my initial thought was that I wanted to write on that wall. But once you let your right brain start playing, you never know what’s going to come out.)

digital graffiti by meirav berale

digital graffiti by meirav berale

I used my usual photo editor, PicMonkey – they have a drawing feature, where you can choose colour, brush thickness, and brush hardness. When choosing colour, you can point it to a bit in the image itself and tell it to use that colour – which is what I did for different parts, so the colours weren’t just coming out of nowhere.

To view Max’s original photo, click here.